Sunday, February 03, 2013

Bonkers - Just Bonkers

What a bonkers day. I meant to call my dad, my sister and Skype with my best friend Sue and it all went tits-up. From the moment I awoke until tonight it's been just a mad day. I looked at my poor husband tonight, with his bloodshot eyes and tired face and I promised him that I am going to stop scheduling so much on weekends. Bless his heart.

Craig worked on house projects mostly today - electrical stuff which required him to climb in to the attic on several occasions. ughhhhh.

Blue Power Ranger!
I, on the other hand, took Danny to his first ever birthday party where he was invited on his own. He loved it. I had at least 6 moms come up and say "Is this Daniel - he's Asher's best friend, right?"and they made such a fuss of him. Daniel has never talked about Asher to me but when I took him shopping for Asher's present he was adamant that he wanted to buy him a superhero bath towel and that was the gift that Asher loved. A Batman bath towel. It's great how these little people just "get" each other isn't it. I got on so well with the parents and the kids had a great time. Danny jumped in the bounce house until his face was a bright cherry red.

At 1pm we got home and had lunch and then a family came in their minivan to get Jack's old toddler bed that I had sold on Craigslist. But that's just the nice end to a nightmare story. The couple that bought it were the first to enquire yesterday so we made arrangements for them to come today at 2pm. When I checked my email this morning I had six e mails from a  person that got steadily more unsettling with each email. Her last email said that her house had burnt down and that her and her son had nothing and she needed the bed. I am not sucked in by scam artists so I ignored her. Was she real? How do I know? Just before 2pm she emailed me again and asked me please not to sell the bed, that she needed it. I replied that the people who asked first were due at 2 and if they didn't show up that I would let her know straight away. So at 2.25pm I emailed her and told her that I was sorry but the bed was sold and I wished her good luck and that was the end of it right? NO. Not the end. Not by any means. She sent me a long rambling email, full of hate, that ended up with her calling me an asshole for not giving her the bed for free. I know she's crazy. I know I shouldn't even think about her but I am. She's really bothered me. I will never, ever sell anything on Craigslist ever again.

At 2.30pm our friends from Jack's pre-school (at Learn and Play) came to visit. I have not seen them in 6 months and have missed them. We talked, sledded, played, drank hot chocolate and will see each other soon. My friend's boyfriend runs a martial arts class that Jack will start at this Tuesday.

At 5.30pm we did this: laundry, dish washing, cleaning, shopping, see to dogs/kids, sweep snow off steps, cook, pack lunches, and clean up tools from DIY stuff.

So sorry to our family and friends we didn't get to connect with today. I love you and let's do it next weekend? x

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