Tuesday, December 27, 2011

It seemed like a good idea at the time

Now I know why I gave up wine. After drinking far too much last night and then having to get up and be Mary Poppins this morning while at the same time cleaning my kitchen which looks like a gang of monkeys came for dinner, I have vowed once again never to let the evil grape liquid from hell pass my lips. It was a great day though. We had a friend's daughter and her boyfriend over for a Boxing Day lunch, then we had friends over for a bit of a "do" last night. Two are still asleep in the spare room and probably thanking the lord they don't have kids.

We all consumed far too much
Chocolate liqueurs
Chicken & cheese dip and
English chocolate

and not enough
Water and

But then a great party doesn't generally involve the latter does it.

Today I have two more parties to go to but I'll be driving so I'll be good. My poor body needs 6 gallons of water and an early night. And when I'm feeling more beauty and less beast I'll post the chicken dip recipe because it was awesome!

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