Thursday, July 07, 2011

The Help - Fabulous Book (the film?)

I just finished The Help by Kathryn Stockett. I bought it at the airport a couple of weeks ago after I'd finished Unbroken and was panicking about having to fly bare-handed. I always have to read when I fly, eat, or have a moment to myself. Always. Sometimes if I only have a few minutes between fights I'll just grab a People magazine, or Life, or National Geographic and whatever else I panic buy. I once bought a Popular Science on a 3 hour flight and nearly chewed my own fingernails off with boredom. Anyway. I was so sad that I'd finished Unbroken that I read about 5 pages of The Help and put it down. No book could compete with Unbroken. I spent the flight trying to sleep and browsing through the airline magazines (why are they so crap??)

When I got home I gave the book to a friend because I was still in love with Unbroken (if I sound like a maniac I'm sorry but sometimes a book gets to me for a while and I need to just have that book in me). My friend told me that she finished it in days and couldn't put it down. So I picked it back up Tuesday this week. And here I am - Thursday night and I finished it. All 522 pages. Couldn't put it down. It made me sad, ashamed, laugh and at the end cry.

It's being released as a film next month as you can see by the trailer below. The trailer, to me, makes it look commercial and girly and not as meaningful as the book. I hope that's not the case when I go and see it. It does, however, capture the women's personalities perfectly.

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