Saturday, December 11, 2010


Craig's mum & dad arrive Monday. Usually, we set them up in our bedroom and we sleep in the basement, which is very open and light and actually not like a basement at all, but it is cold down there this time of year and I'm not keen on sleeping down there all over Christmas. I also didn't want Danny, who's bedroom is next to ours, kicking the walls at 6.30am shouting "Mama! Baba!" like he does each morning. I'm sure even the most doting of grandparents would find that annoying after a few days.

SO, we moved the boys in together. And good grief. What the hell were we thinking. It has so far resulted in them staying up till 11pm and waking up at 7am. Daniel also refused to nap today and there has been much rambunctious behaviour. Danny had a bloody nose last night and the room is constantly a disaster zone. My blood pressure is at boiling point with it all. Surely it will get better?

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