Sunday, January 20, 2008

I've Finished Three Cups of Tea

I just finished the book "Three Cups of Tea" about Greg Mortenson and I feel compelled to write something here about it.

Greg was a climber that got lost coming off K2 in Pakistan and he ended up in a remote village where they nursed him back to health. He promised to go back and build them a school and he does. He then goes on to build numerous schools in the region, particularly for girls.

His philosophy on life and his commitment to what he is doing is amazing. I really do hope he gets the Nobel Peace Prize one day.

Anyway, please read it if you can as it gives you a much better perspective on how we should be tackling the "war on terror" and it makes you feel empathy for the people of Pakistan and Afghanistan.

Greg is the Exec. Director of the Central Asia Institute if any of you feel you'd like to make a donation.

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